Distance from The Resort: 20 min
Description: What makes this dive unique is the high chance of meeting some
large Nurse sharks resting under big blocks of corals on the
reeftop! Some uncommon spotted hawkfish inhabit the hard
corals on the top of the reef, as well as trumpetfish and anthias.
Also, this is one of the rare places in which we find the nice
Palettesurgeonfish (to give an idea, the forgetful Dory of Finding
Nemo!), that you can see in small but very active schools over the
corals blocks just few meteres below the surface. Stamp corals and
some big soft corals characterize the wall after the first meters,
and swarms of small redtooth triggerfish hovering or hiding in the
Very often we find 3 - 4 very big napoleon wrasses in the wall. At about 20 m we find beautiful overhangs and small caves along
the whole reefside, inhabited by a huge solitary marble grouper.
Level: The dive is affordable for
everybody, we just need to
be aware about the intensity
of the current. Excellent for
beginners who prefer to
stay shallow.